"An excellent advocate"

"Mr. Sexton has constantly been there to assist with all levels of my separation, my divorce as well as any issues considering my visitation with my child. I have never had a moments pause when the need arose to pick up the phone and ask any legal question since. Mr. Sexton treats every issue I address with him with courtesy and professionalism.

On more than one occasion, it is my belief, Mr. Sexton has gone above and beyond the role I needed him to play. If Mr. Sexton didn't have an immediate answer for me, he would find one in short order, it was as though he knew how important my questions and concerns were to me! He acted with respect, and showed me each and every moment how professional an attorney can be. Throughout the case, the document drawing and the final settlement Mr. Sexton continued to set the bar for how amazing a person in his position could behave.

Mr. Sexton's fees, in my humble opinion are well worth the price of admission. The bottom-line, he is the best. I wouldn't want anyone else to represent me or anyone I care about. I recommend Mr. Sexton to anyone who finds themselves in the position of divorce and custody situations. I recently recommended him to a friend who had a terrible family situation; the reports that come back to me are glowing. He is truly a professional and a wonderful advocate.

Thank you James for everything, from the bottom of my heart thank you."

- A.T.

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